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Only 2% Pakistani women want to violate Islamic rules in dressing: International Survey

A chart illustrating what people in Muslim countries think women should wear in public is being met with both fascination and derision.
The chart was created by the Pew Research Center to illustrate the results of the Middle Eastern Values Survey conducted by the University of Michigan.
The survey polled men and women in seven Arab countries about which style of dress they thought was most appropriate for women to wear in public. There were six possible answers, including a full blue burqa, which completely covers the head and face; a hijab, which covers the hair but not the face; as well as no head covering at all.

Survey reveals that 32% of Pakistani women select 2, 31% select 3, 24% select 4, 8# select option 5 and amazingly 3% Pakistani women select 1st option. While only 2% Pakistani women want to completely violate Islamic rules of dressing. 


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