Poetry, as a literary art, is both expression and communication. A poet does not start consciously with the idea of giving information, or amusement, or stimulating any special emotion. But a poem, inevitably, independent of the will and intention of the poet, produces and emotional and imaginative response in the reader. The originating impulse behind a poem may be derived from any aspect. of life-experience: a sight seen, a sound heard, a dream, love or hatred, despair of life, or exultation, joy or grief; and the experience continues its existence by continuing in the imagination of the writer and of the reader. The poetic experience unites what is given by the senses with what is given by the feelings and the imagination of the poet. Description, narration, and reflection all enter into the poetic experience and expression according to the nature of the poem. Poetry can be defined as the imaginative and emotive expression or suggestion or mirroring of that in human life and experience which has universal significance and appcal, in rhythmical and preferably metrical language.
Recently there is poetry competition is going on between Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Syed Shehla Raza.

Poetry Competition between Shahbaz Sharif and Syed Shehla Raza on Twitter
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